516 362-3027
The Cultural Center a gateway for organizing and mobilizing to address issues that affect our lives.
“Organizing together we are strong”
"òganize ansanm nou fò"
"organizando Somos Fuertes"
Environment and Water quality
We continually work towards making our earth better. With statewide campaigns and partners, we fight to change and pass good policies that benefits our communities and make sure corporate polluters are held accountable when they destroy our waterways, air and communities.
To educate our children we need to make sure the right investments are appropriately distributed. Schools needs to be equally funded and have the resources to give children the opportunity to succeed in their educational path.
Traffic Safety
Everyone deserves safe streets to walk and drive. We continue to work towards laws and fighting for resources that will make our walkable areas safe. We wok towards safe streets for children walking to school and from school.
The lack of housing has pushed many homeowners as well as renters to become homeless. We work towards fair housing rights and laws for tenants. Making sure that shelters comply with existing laws and fight for better rights for those in the shelters until they find their forever home. We assist homeowners in jeopardy of losing their home by working directly with the banks through coalition partners. First-time homebuyers assistance through workshops that allows new homeowners to make better choices to become successful at homeownership.
Electoral education
The electoral education process is key to helping our members understand the importance of voting. We continue to work towards fair voting and election practices in civic engagements.
We are convening with experts to speak and assist in navigating through many complex immigration issues. We use direct and grass root organizing for fair and humane immigrant rights.
FY 2024 Budget Raises Minimum Wage to $16 in New York City, Long Island, and Westchester and $15 Elsewhere in the State, Followed by $0.50 Annual Increases in 2025 and 2026, Ties Wages to Consumer Price Index Adds $391 Million for New York's Emergency Rental Assistance Program to Support Thousands More Tenants and Families, Including New York City Housing Authority Residents and Section 8 Voucher Recipients.
Expands Empire State Child Credit to Children Under Four, Supporting Nearly 630,000 Additional Children
Includes $1.1 Billion in New Funding for the MTA and Off-Peak Subway Service Improvements to Reduce Stress for Working Class Commuters
Governor Hochul: "Life is hard here these days because the cost of living just keeps going up and up and up That's what brings me to the Capitol to work hard on a budget that I needed to deliver for all New Yorkers."
Hochul: "I thank you for the privilege of being your Governor, to be able to work with you on this and so many more initiatives. We head into the future with the sense we can do this. We have to take out and look up for those who have so little."
To read about the entire press conference, go to Govenor.ny.gov
Coalitions, organizations and government working and learning together for better communities
Food insecurities
Connecting those who need help during hard times. Through many partners and building a coalition of pantries, we are able to fill the gap of food insecurity.
Pass the Access to Representation Act (S.81B/A.1961A) to guarantee immigrants facing deportation a right to counsel—and invest in immigration legal services in FY24
Immigrants targeted by federal enforcement for deportation do not have the right to a lawyer if they cannot afford one.
New York State has been the national leader in supporting legal services for immigrants, yet even with strong existing
programs, more than fifty thousand people in New York are currently fighting for their lives in immigration court on their
own. Increased funding for existing and new immigration legal services in the FY24 budget is a critical step, but the
imperative is clear: passage of the Access to Representation Act is needed to support strong communities, economic
stability, and fairness and dignity. Establishing a right to a government-funded lawyer for people at risk of deportation is
Why should New York advance universal representation?
Dignity and fairness: Everyone facing deportation deserves a fair day in court even if they cannot afford a lawyer.
Racial equity: Access to legal representation disrupts the pipeline that unfairly subjects Black immigrants and other
immigrants of color to detention and deportation.
Representation works: 43 percent of detained clients given representation through one nationwide program achieved
release on bond or parole from dangerous detention.
Safe families, stable communities, and strong economy: Tearing immigrants—predominantly people of color—from
their homes causes harm that radiates through communities. An evaluation revealed that the people represented through the original NYIFUP pilot had lived an average of 16 years in the United States and were projected to contribute $2.7 million in tax revenue each year. Nearly half were parents to more than one thousand children. Investing in universal representation is an investment in strong and stable communities.
Coalition building bring power for successful communities